Friday 22 July 2011

                                         TO MAKE IT WORK! MAKE IT REAL….
Good Leadership                                         Requirements to successful business
humble                                                          regularity                    
truthful                                                          customer friendly
patience                                                        be focused
                                                                     using actual scale
                                                                     straight to the point

            What is Goftagroup?        

Tuesday 5 July 2011

FriendsMend Introduce Gofta Foundation

The question most people ask is “How do we support  you?” this question becomes paramount  because help received by any individual/organization of associations forwarded towards developing the lifestyles of those considered to be less-privilege among us is actually expended for that purpose.
                Friendex foundation, working in collaboration with Gofta foundation, has done tremendous work for reasonable numbers of people within their area of operation. For instance; many pupils has been helped to go back to school, Malaria victims and accident victims knock down by hit and run Drivers has been taken care of by gofound (Gofta Foundation).
                Many parents has also benefited from soft-loan from this foundation in order to boost their individual businesses. which will in turn enable them to cater for their family. Which in turn will help to curb crime in our society. Goftagroup has also affected the lives of farmers positively by supporting them with farming loan, organizing Seminars and Workshops which has enhanced their yield. It als help them to acquire new farming skills and techniques.
                You can support the effort of this organization by contributing either in kind or cash. Directed to GOFTAGROUP

Friday 1 July 2011

Loan Beneficiaries

 Facts about Gofta loan


Some People You May Know.

Gofta Women & SMEDAN

The Director, Smedan Abuja..                                                                                                                                           
                                                                   Introducing Gofta to Smedan
We want to appreciate the effort your management put up to assist the rural entrepreneurs operating under the umbrella of Gofta M.P.C.S Ltd by conducting a workshop expected to upgrade their skills and techniques. Gofta Rural Women who played host to Resmas Associates Limited the agent your management used to conduct this Seminar wish to tell you by means of this proposal that they appreciate your whole soul effort.
The workshop was well attended. And every participant benefited immensely from the lecture. Gofta Rural Women Entrepreneurs wish to by this means say thank you. And also to use this opportunity to humbly request that regular lecture like this, if conducted around all centers in the Local Government Area that Goftagroup is covering, will go a long way to help alleviate suffering from our rural dwellers. Because there is a saying which says information is power! Information is wealth!!.
After teaching us the best possible way to grow in our various businesses, we see a need to also assist us with some financial or material assistance, in order to see the visibility of your hard work.

We want to formally welcome you all for a review of the workshop conducted for you on 31st November -3rd of December. We the executives of Gofta women rural entrepreneurship group, the umbrella body having the responsibility to conduct women into being regarded and recognized, in recent time see a need to expand the tentacle of the group by working with SMEDAN to assist in the education of the women entrepreneurs in the rural area.
We know that most of you here today have tasted from the good work for women organized for the great women in Eghudu Community. What you experience recently precisely on the31st November -3rd of December, is just a depiction of what you should be expecting for all women with a need to affiliate to the human eucalyptus. We thank you for making time to be here with us today.
Who We Are:
We know many people are already wandering about who Gruwomen actually are. Don’t be so much strained up because, Gofta Rural Women Entrepreneurs (Gruwomen) an association formed by the great women of Integrity of Goftagroup as a means to create an awareness about what women can do or to propel the fact that women are very useful when contemplating good governance or when working on what to do to

Gofta Biography:
                Gofta Multi-purpose Co-operative Society was set up in March 2007 with the intent to serve as an umbrella body expected to congregate small and medium scale traders, Farmers, skilled workers/businessmen and women together. In order to generate a strong force which will facilitate the rapid success of the group towards achieving their targeted objectives?
Our Vision:
                To liberate and strengthen Gofta operational base. Most importantly, make for economic self reliance for any entrepreneurs finding any reason to affiliate to Gofta Entrepreneurship Scheme. A segment set up to address issues relating to small and medium scale entrepreneurs operating in our communities.

Our Mission:
                We have the collective intention of creating opportunities of financial empowerment for all Gofta members. And also to provide educational support for the less literate members of the group most importantly, sensitizing and educating the people in order to help them upgrade their skills and get new business techniques as provided by the management team of Goftagroup. To achieve success in this venture, Gofta MPCS on a regular basis, conduct workshops and seminars for all entrepreneurs taking solace in the great human eucalyptus (Goftagroup).

  1. To assist small and medium scale entrepreneurs with regular update for their various lines of businesses and also to assist them acquire loan to boost their businesses.
  2. To engage in thrift and credit operations, also to engage in agricultural undertakings.
  3. To undertake simple processing and marketing of co-operative farm products.
  4. To engage in Import/Export, act as a Manufacturers’ Representatives and to operate Transport business.
  5. To ensure that women have the opportunity to initiate programs geared towards elevating the standard of living of women, members of the Gofta Rural women entrepreneurship group.
  6. To give financial and advisory backing to widows/aged, youth, the children and those considered less privileged or those in the grass root. In order to help coordinate the lifestyle they have grown to be accustomed to. And also to help defend the right of those in the grass root.
  7. To give free medical treatment and advice to those affected by the prevailing scourge of malaria, ravaging our people
  8. To carry out any other activities designed on co-operative principles which will encourage the spirit and practice of co-operation among Gofta group(s) members
  9. To solicit for assistance from our international co-operative partners or from any body/group interested in promoting the good spirit of co-operation among all Goftagroup members.
  10. To acquire building for use by members and the general public, and undertake any civil work. Also to engage in oil field services and other engineering construction works.


Who are women?
Why were yhey made?
What would the world have been like without women?